Ohio Truck Accident Help
A Division of Ohio Truck Accident
Ohio Truck Accidents
Trucks move nearly 73% of the nation’s freight, and unfortunately, truck crashes happen, but those involving jackknifed semi-trucks can be especially severe.
A semi-truck jackknife can result in a blocked route, serious damage to other vehicles, and tragic injuries. If you or a loved one are injured or killed in a crash involving a jackknifing truck in Ohio, you may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault party. Ohio Truck Accident Help has the experience and knowledgeable truck accident lawyers you need to get the desired result.
Call (855) 721-2737 to schedule a free, no-risk consultation.
A truck and its trailer “jackknife” when they come to an acute angle, resembling a folding pocketknife.
When trucks jackknife, they may end up in a ditch, cross lanes, collide with other vehicles, or block traffic flow. Sometimes, a jackknifed truck could also roll over, spilling potentially hazardous cargo.
A truck can jackknife for several reasons, although negligence is usually involved. Typically, a jackknife occurs when a truck rapidly decelerates, and the trailer’s momentum continues to carry it forward past the cab. The common causes of this include –
Truck drivers are held to higher standards as they operate their large vehicles to ensure their cargo reaches its destination and protect other drivers. If a driver does not apply the brake safely, the sudden change in speed could cause a jackknife incident.
Besides poor braking, a truck driver could be negligent while driving their semi-truck or large vehicle. If they’re driving distracted, drowsy, or under the influence, they could be driving recklessly, leading to a jackknife truck wreck.
Commercial vehicles should be routinely inspected and repaired to ensure they’re safe on the road. Should a trucking company fail to properly inspect or fix a truck before its driver takes off, it could lead to a jackknife crash.
Brakes aren’t the only system on a truck whose failure could lead to a crash. Truckers and their employers must keep trucks in operating condition and ensure equipment is functioning properly before the trucker starts a job. If a system or certain parts aren’t working before the trucker hits the road, it could lead to a crash.
Trucking can be an intense industry. Like every role with a deadline, truckers want to reach their destination on time. Sometimes, that desire means they’ll be driving faster than other traffic on the road permits. If a driver tries to brake to avoid an accident, they could wind up jackknifing the truck.
When a trailer isn’t loaded correctly, it is one aspect of negligence that might not belong to the truck driver in the event of an accident. Balancing the load in a trailer is essential to smooth rides.
Semi-trucks are generally 14 feet high, giving them a higher center of gravity. Coupled with high speed, any imbalance could topple the truck or increase the likelihood of a jackknife crash.
Like crashes with other commercial vehicles, jackknife crashes can lead to significant injuries, including:
Because of the severity of the injuries a jackknife crash can cause, you’ll likely spend a significant amount on treatment, even with insurance.
If a jackknife crash injured you or a loved one, you may be eligible for damages like:
You need evidence to prove you suffered losses because negligence caused a jackknife truck accident.
Medical bills and your prescriptions after a jackknife accident can prove the physical loss you experienced. You may use pay stubs or other bills to show your reduced ability to make money and support yourself or your family.
Witness statements or testimony about how your life has changed can also illustrate a loss of consortium or reduced cognitive ability.
A truck accident attorney can use evidence like this to show how you’ve suffered after a truck accident and how you might suffer in the future.
If you were in a crash because a semi-truck jackknifed, you probably received medical care at the scene or when taken to a medical care provider. You’ll need to keep track of any treatments, prescriptions, or diagnoses you receive because of the crash. Ask for documents and receipts.
Like a crash involving passenger vehicles, you should try to get evidence from the scene, like witness statements, photographs, or videos. You’ll need that proof for your personal injury claim or lawsuit.
Law enforcement probably responded, considering jackknife accidents commonly block several lanes of travel. You can collect a report from the responding agency, like the Ohio Highway Patrol or the Ohio Department of Public Safety.
They can help you organize your case and move forward with a claim. They can ensure you’re receiving proper treatment for your injuries, and they can track the cost of those treatments for your case. They can also advise you whether an offer from the insurance company is a lowball offer.
Insurance companies often give low initial offers hoping truck accident victims will accept them and drop the matter quickly. A victim hurt in a jackknife crash will be dealing with their injuries throughout their life: you shouldn’t accept a lowball offer for something that will have a far-reaching impact on your life.
Ohio Truck Accident Help has a team of lawyers to help you recover after a jackknife crash. They understand that crashes involving large semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles can have long-lasting effects on your life. Let their experience and record in Ohio courts work to your advantage.
Call (855) 721-2737 or use the online form to schedule your free consultation with a jackknife accident lawyer today.